Overview: Composites

Beautiful… economical… easy to fabricate. And more choices than ever!

The world of composite panels and substrates has undergone a radical transformation in recent years. TFL (Thermally Fused Laminate) is now available in a multitude of colors, finishes, textures and designs that were unimaginable just a few years ago. Particleboard and MDF substrates that were once viewed as just commodities now can be specified with highly desirable new characteristics to comply with the latest fire ratings, moisture resistance, emissions and environmental requirements, and better performance.

Whether you’re using composite panels for countertops or cabinets, retail or residential, fixtures or furniture –there’s nothing easier than Aetna. We’re your single source for the best brands so that we can add the most value, deliver more options, and offer the highest quality. Your Composites solution has never been closer than Aetna.

Contact Us Today!

Whatever your composite panel needs, Aetna is ready to meet your requirements – with faster delivery, better quality, and more expertise about how composite panels can meet your particular application requirements.


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Your Account Summary will display details on all open invoices by age; your Account Detail will list all invoices currently open on the account.

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Searching through Aetna inventory is easy via OneSource. Click on the Product Category: Composites, Hardware, Lumber, Plywood, or Surfaces. Then find the specific product and specify the desired criteria, such as Length, Thickness, Width…The item will appear, with description, Qty. available, item # and price…